

Country: Italy
Style: Black Metal

Nico Fabbri – Vocals
Laura Nardelli – Bass
Samuele Scalise - Drums
Gregorio Di Angilla – Guitar
Juri Vatova - Guitar

ASKESIS was born in Venice in 2013. Since its genesis, the core line-up has featured Laura Nardelli (bass) and Samuele Scalise (drums), who have been joined by Nico Fabbri (vocals), Gregorio Di Angilla (guitar) and Juri Vatova (guitar) in 2022.

The band’s sound is based on a mix of black metal and death metal, delivering a listening experience that is raw and violent while simultaneously captivating and hypnotic. The songs are linked by an existentialist theme that takes up concepts from ancient Greek myths projecting them into today’s world.

Each composition delves into the human psyche and presents a unique perspective on life and its complexities. Despite their individuality, there are common threads that weave through these musical pieces.

A visceral and introspective exploration of the human experience, challenging societal expectations, and probing the depths of the human psyche. The band invites the listeners to confront their own fears, contradictions, and desires, encouraging introspection and contemplation on the complexities of existence.

Rejecting the status quo, ASKESIS condemn this world that brings suffering, seeking to assert self power and freedom. Dichotomy of creation and destruction, the dark aspects of human nature.


"Beyond the Fate of Death" (CD) 2023

Askesis online: